This past weekend was pretty uneventful. On Sunday, Bryan and I went to church, Wendy's, then came home and watched football and some movies. After the movie, we went for our daily walk. Every morning, we go for a walk on a trail that goes around base housing. It is about a two and a half mile walk starting and ending at our house. Hopefully walking like this will help later on with getting little Garret to come out sooner.
Last Thursday, Bryan and I had our last child birth prep class. The week before, we got to see the labor and delivery rooms and the post-partum rooms. This hospital is very old fashioned. The labor and delivery rooms have two beds in them, so hopefully there aren't a bunch of women giving birth the day I do! They also don't have tubs in the labor and delivery room but they have a jacuzzi tub for after you give birth. This does not make any sense to me!
I went yesterday for my epidural consultation. I wasn't going to but when my doctor asked if I had yet and I told her I didn't think I was going to, she told me that she wanted me to anyway. She said that it is just for safety precautions and that if I ha to have an emergancy c-section or something, that it would be dangerous for them to give me one without knowing my medical history or anything about me. So they have a paper on file at the hospital now just in case.
You're A Blessing, No, YOU'RE A Blessing
10 years ago